Cottage Nikkaluokta

Girjás Adventure has a cottage to let in Nikkaluokta. You can rent it by the night or by the week.

It’s a 6-bed-cottage (four beds + twin bed in couch) that is fully equipped for a normal stay. No drainage or water supply. Drinking water is fetched from the brook and there is an outside toilet. Shower and sauna can be bought at Nikkaluokta Sarri Ltd.

Se pictures under Gallery.

Period: All the year around
Lodging: Cottage, 2-6 beds

2 person   600 SEK VAT included
3 person   900 SEK VAT included
4 person 1200 SEK VAT included
5 person 1500 SEK VAT included
6 person 1800 SEK VAT included

2 person 4200 SEK, VAT included
3 person 4700 SEK, VAT included
4 person 5400 SEK, VAT included
5 person 5700 SEK, VAT included
6 person 6100 SEK, VAT included